
This is the swell you just missed out on

Friday 20th April 2018

What a week.  We’ve got the sun shining, blue skies, gentle wind’s…and the swell, it’s been amazing. And it’s not over yet!

Earlier this week we had Anchors pumping at 4m, rolling lines at Camels and Dracula’s feeding us endless barrels. But that’s enough from us, we’re off to catch more waves. We’ll let the photos and video do the talking.

But mate, you missed out. Big time.



anchor wave - surf maroc swell

Bottom turning Anchor Point

waves - surf maroc swell

Waves for days

anchors - surf maroc - swell

This view

camels - surf maroc - swell

Jump in

  Fancy joining us on the next waves? Book your next surf trip with us here!